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Our philosophy

Explore – Discover – Transmit

Since 1948, Talika has been drawing on natural treasures to develop unique and innovative skincare products that allow each skin to reveal its natural beauty potential.

As a perpetual explorer who is always searching for new inspiration, Alexis de Brosses travels the world looking for rituals and know-how. His conviction? « All great discoveries are made by men whose feelings run ahead of their thinking. » ( Charles Henry Parkhurst ). Every Talika skincare product has its own history and is inspired by an encounter between man and nature. 

Whether it involves a technique of Ayurvedic medicine, a NASA study on light radiation, an ancient Chinese remedy or a unique cosmetic treatment, Talika takes advantage of nature’s vital energy and uses it in targeted products for the benefit of skin cells.

Much more than a simple brand, Talika offers a life philosophy and a unique vision of beauty, based on the balance between body and spirit, the continuous and virtuous exchange between the world and cells. 

As a living entity, Talika sets itself the task of sharing these discoveries and is committed to revealing the natural beauty of women in all stages of their lives. More than a mission, it is a true reason for existence.