The countdown has started and to make the wait worthwhile until D day we are offering you a very special discount today only !

Tell us which one and why you like it, tag your best friend,
and get a chance to win it !

Did you know that "jolie" means pretty in french ? Here at Talika we have a whole Make-up range to enhance your inner beauty
Comment below what is your favorite Make Up item that you couldn't live without , tag 3 friends

We are invading Hong Kong bus stops with our eye-catching campaign. Where do you think you will find us ?
Take a picture, Tag the location, add the #talikainhongkong and you will automatically get a complimentary LIPOCILS EXPERT
On Dec 18th we will check the post that has the most likes 👍 and it will get an EXTRA SURPRISE ! 🎁
So take the bus 🚌 and Keep your eyes open 👀
#talikaasia #adventcalendar #busstopcampaign #jcdecaux #whereistalika #lipocilsexpert

Can you guess which celebrity is using Talika ?
Give your answer in comment of our Facebook or Instagram Post for a chance to win a Lovely Lashes Gift pack
❤️ Our Lovely Lashes set is the ultimate Eye Care combination ❤️
Lipocils Expert helps to grow your lashes by 36% in only 30 days and Our Lash Conditioning Cleanser can care for your lashes with its 98% plant base formula that can remove any mascara even waterproof .
#talikaasia #lovelylashes #lipocilsexpert #lashconditioningcleanser #drewbarrymore #justinbieber #ladygaga #Hughjackman #livtyler

Comment on our Facebook or Instagram post and Tag 3 friends who have been Naughty 😝 for a chance to win the SOS Party Kit containing 4 of the best sellers of Talika.
#naughtyornice #talikaasia #sospartykit #eyeexpert #facemasks

🎶We love Mariah Carey but we have to be honest, all we really want for Christmas are GREAT LASHES
🎶Mariah Carey 的 ”All I want for Christmas is...” 由”you” 變成 ”超長眼睫毛”🤣
🎄What is your favorite Christmas song ? 🎄
Comment on our Facebook post or Instagram post for a chance to win our Hero Product Lipocils Expert
#talikaasia #lipocilsexpert #lashgrowthserum #mariahcarey #allIwantforchristmas
#眼睫毛增長液 #eyesarethenewsmile #ChristmasAdventCalendar

Today is 8th of December the festival of lights.
Talika has a range of LIGHT THERAPY devices for your skin concerns.

Take this quizz, give your answer in the comments of our Facebook or Instagram post to get a chance to win our Star Products : Lipocils Expert

Comment with your favorite bearded man for a chance to win a Set of 5 Bubble Mask, our 10 minutes detox treatment against pollution !

😷In view of the latest restrictions we want to make sure you stay safe 😷 , therefore from now until December 31st we are offering FREE DELIVERY on all orders with no minimum amount.
#staysafe #talikaasia #talikalovesyou #takecare #freedelivery #onlineshopping #contactlessshopping #安在家中 #家居面部美容儀 #唔接觸購物

12 days down ✔️
12 days to go
We are halfway to Christmas and to celebrate we are offering ✨50% ✨on a selection on items of www.talika.com.hk this weekend only.
Browse our website to check these exclusive offers
#talikaasia #12daystogo #christmasiscoming #christmasshopping #talikaforyou #eyesarethenewsmile

☕May you coffee be strong and your lashes be long ! 💁♀️
Tag your favorite coffee place for a chance to win an EYE LOVE YOU set including :
☕ 1 Eye Detox Concealer Beige with double effect : anti-fatigue and anti-aging
☕ 1 Eye Shadow Nude shade with lifting effect
☕ 1 Eye Liner with Eyelash growth formula
#talikaasia #eyelashgrowth #eyeexpert #eyespecialist #concealer #eyeshadow #eyeliner

👀 Eye Love Christmas 👀
Tell us what you❤️ love❤️ most about Christmas for a chance to win a Christmas Cracker Containing :
1 Eye Therapy Patch reusable 3 times, incredibly effective for puffiness & rejuvenation of the eye area
1 Eye decompress mask with its relaxing Podcast for meditation
#talikaasia #christmascrackers #eyetherapypatch #eyedecompress #facemasks #bioenzymesmasks

What is your favorite movie or TV Show these days ?
Ours is Love Actually #tomeyourareperfect❤️
Like our Page, Comment below tagging your favorite show or movie and 3 friends for a chance to win the product of your choice*
#talikaasia #geniuslight #facetreatment #facecare #loveactually #tomeyouareperfect
*(except devices)

I spy with my little eye, something WOW
🕵️ Our new MASCARA is a double agent ! 🕵️
Not only does it volumizes and curves your lashes
but it also lengthens and takes care of your lashes with its natural formula
Your lashes are naturally longer and stronger 💪
Like this post, tag 3 friends, for a chance to win our 2 in 1 Lipocils Mascara
#talikaasia #lipocilsmascara #longerstronger #lashgrowthserum

Tag 3 incredible women from your life, for a chance to win our Hero Product "Lipocils Expert" in its very elegant Limited Edition

Give the gift choice this Christmas !
Today only Buy $400 Gift Card and get $500 Spending value on www.talika.com.hk
#talikaasia #giftcard #giftofchoice #perfectgift

提拉緊緻液體眼影 – 可修飾眼型,提升眼部神采,達至瞬間提亮、潤澤嘅效果。一共有五色選擇:#碳灰色 #裸色 #榛子色 #粉色 及 #紫紅色
Have you picked your New Year's Eve outfit already?
Which one of our Eye Shadow Lift will it match best??
Are you team #nude #pink #plum #hazelnut or #carbon ?
Tag your favorite fashion brand for a chance to win the Eye Shadow of your choice, right in time for your NYE!

Looking for a gift for your other half ?
Give her a gift she will REALLY love
揀聖誕禮物俾另一半應該揀咩好? 有咩禮物佢又一定鐘意呢?
等我哋一齊製造驚喜啦,只要今日內係網站落單,即可免費獲贈光萃煥顏修護精華水75ml 2枝 (共價值:HK$700)🥰
And to spread the love today we will add to every order not 1, but 2 FREE "Light Essence Cellular Activator 75ml" Retail Value $700 ($350 each)
Look at our different offers and remember there is free delivery on any order until December 31st
Truly, Madly, Deeply, GO!
#talikaasia #agiftshereallyloves #happywifehappylife #christmasiscoming #theloveofgifting

🎅 San-Talika is coming to town ! 🎅
And he his bringing a gift 🎁 :
our famous AT HOME FACE TREATMENT, Retail value $2998 !
You can enjoy from the comfort of your home any of the 8 treatment cares.
To enter this last draw of our Christmas Calendar, Like our page, Comment below and Tag 3 friends.
Are you on San-Talika's list ? The winner will be announced on Christmas day
#talikaasia #geniuslight #athometreatment #facecare #facetreatment